Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The day they pulled my teeth out

Oh hello everyone.

So this last weekend, I had my wisdom teeth taken out. Before you make a face that shows how painful you think it was for me, let me tell you, it wasn't too bad at all...of course that probably had something to do with the drugs I was on, and that I only needed my bottom teeth out. So I drove down to Brigham City and had them taken out at 9am. I had taken some Valium, which I have never taken before and that was all I needed, I didn't even have Nitrous. All of the sudden it was over, I didn't even swell up to bad, and I hardly bled very much at all either. I was also blessed with no bruising. Then basically I spent my weekend at my dear aunt Penny's house where I alternated between sleeping, taking drugs, and sleeping, with some occasional TV watching and cold food in there. Then all of the sudden it was Monday and I had to come home. I basically spent my week doing the same thing I did during the weekend, except I stopped taking as many drugs, and am happy to say that I am no longer taking anything except for Advil everyone once in awhile if my mouth really starts hurting (usually after sleeping). Because I spent my week sleeping though, I got pretty far behind in classes, not to worry though, I was responsible and talked to my teachers about it, and I am in the process of making up the truck-load of homework, and the three tests I missed. So that was my week last week, I basically was dead and then came back to life.

Well I am wishing you all well, hopefully you all have a better week than I have in front of me (making up everything I missed on top of this weeks work)

Have a lovely day! :D

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! Work hard!! Missed you a lot. No trips to Blackfoot so you can catch up...;)
