Sunday, May 11, 2014

The week I turned 21!! Woohoo!! - Mar 24, 2014

Hello hello hello,
I have a lot to write this week, so I am just going to get going. I am going to break it down by days which I don't normally do, but there was a lot this week, so I'm doing it :)
Monday: jeez, Monday feels like a lifetime ago. Honestly. Well as most of you know Monday was not my favorite day of all time, it was kind of a bummer day. Not sure why, just feeling the blues. But can I just say that I love all of you so much. When I got home that night and had a billon emails from all my family and loved ones saying happy birthday and being all encouraging and supportive, I was casi in tears. (Well I was when I read my brothers....okay, I am human, occasionally I cry.....just get off my back...haha). So basically all I have to say about Monday is that. I love you guys. You're the best, and I am so lucky and grateful to have such supportive and loving people in my life. Thanks :)
Tuesday: MY BIRTHDAY! I mean I don't know if you know thus, but I turned 21 this week. It was pretty great. Not in the missionary work part (no one let us in, and we only scheduled our favorite people that day). No importa, it was a great day. We went to the care center and visited with Angie, hopefully you remember me telling you about her. Love her. So that was happy :) then we went to Taco Bell, McDonalds, and Panda Express for lunch (we got our favorite things from each). Then I can't remember what else happened until that night. So around 5 we stopped at home because I knew that Tammy was suppose to come drop something off, and when we got there it was already there. Can I just take a minute to say, I LOVE MY MOM. She is the best, without fail she has always figured out how to get me corned beef and cabbage for my birthday every year, at college, and even here on the mission. It was so great. And thanks to Tammy for bringing it all the way from Elgin, and bringing a cake, and cookies :) I about died. I just kept saying wow I love my mom, wow I love my family, I have the best family. :) just so you know. Anyway, then, we went to Hermana Padilla's. And her house was all decorated, and we got here first...awkward, but it was suppose to be a surprise party. It was basically the best thing I could have imagined. They all went around the table and told us why they loved us individually, and the difference we had made in their lives(Hna Padilla is our mom here, we have an awesome relationship with her, the girls, Thalia, we baptized her sister last transfer, and David of course our recent convert). It was awesome! :) best birthday I could have imagined on the mission. 
Wednesday: went to district meeting where I got packages :) you guys are the best seriously. I loved everything, shout out to Gina, and Aj, and Dylan, and Hermana Jacobson :) mom, I should get yours Wednesday, no one is going to the office again till tomorrow, so they'll pick them up. 
Thursday/Friday: we went on exchanges with the Hermana training leaders, I went with Hermana Davies again (I went with her my first transfer). Gosh I love her so much. She is a kindred spirit, we think the same, say the same things, and have the same sense of humor. Aka, we would never do well as real companions, no work would get done. But her birthday was on Monday, fun fact. But anyway, I always learn so much from her. Since I see so much of myself in her, but then she also has attributes that I really admire, and want to emulate, it is really cool to work with her. Plus we both just like to work. P.S. Mom and dad, I was thinking about this a lot this week, I am SUPER grateful for the way I was raised. It has effected me so much on my mission. I know how to take care of myself, and how to work, but also how to laugh and joke and have fun while I do it. I love you both a lot, and could not have asked for better parents. You helped me to stand on my own, and settle it in my heart, and President Fenn always says, that I will do what's right thick or thin. At least that's what you always tried to teach me, even when my stubborn teenage ears wouldn't listen. Haha I am getting it now, it's like the things I was taught have always been there, and now I have to actually use them and rely on them. 
Well that is actually really all. This week Juan Carlos came to church all on his own, and he loved it. Someday I will take a picture of them all, and his adorable little boys. But our two investigators who had a baptismal date, fell off date because they didn't come to church. I don't want to talk about that. It feels relatable to getting dumped.....not kidding. My heart breaks for them. But on Sunday we taught in young women's, I love the youth of his church. Seriously love them. I just have so many hopes and dreams for them, I just want to impart all my wisdom on them and see them choose he right, and be good. Anyway, so we taught about testimony. It was awesome. We had a Mormon message called "Waiting on the road to Damascus" it's really good, I encourage you all to watch it. At the end I felt like we should call on one of the girls to give her testimony, she is 13, she comes from an awesome family, her mom is relief society president, her brother is on a mission, and her other brother is preparing to go, but her dad isn't a member. But she is awesome. Anyway, she got super weird, and then she says, Hermanas, I don't have a testimony, and then she started crying. It was a really touching moment, and Hermana Barlow and I were able to give our own testimonies, about how basically, you know enough. You start small, and then you grow, you don't have to know all the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to have a testimony, you can start with just knowing God is real, Jesus Christ lives, and is His son. It was a cool moment. Later after church I went and found her because I didn't want her to think we wanted to embarrass her and I wanted to apologize, and she was so sweet, we had a really tender moment. That girls has a testimony, she just doesn't know it yet. It was interesting, preparing our lesson for the young women, I had so much anxiety, I just want to say exactly what Heavenly Father wanted them to hear, I wanted it to be perfect. I want with all my heart to help them learn and grow. It was cool. 
And here we are to Monday again. I love you all. Fight the good fight. Pray for me, cause you know I got your back in my prayers. And let me know what's going on out there in the real world, I didn't even know Ida was having a girl till she wrote me making it seem like I knew.........awkward. But it's cool. I love you :)
Hermana Simmons

p.s. I will try to write back as many people as possible, but ya know, sometimes I just wanna take a nap on p day.....judge me. Haha

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